Wednesday, January 24, 2007


I am away from the world for two days and it falls to pieces. Paige has just sent about 6 e-mails, apparently Beirut is up in arms and streets are closed and flights are canceled but actually not really. Hezbollah is protesting but the Christians are actually the ones fighting. What's going on? I thought Another World Was Possible (Vomit, vomit, vomit. I will post about the WSF later).

Anyway i just wanted to link to Paige's blog if you want regular dispatches of the insanity that is going on. ( So keep your fingers crossed for this woman, who is now perhaps arriving in Nairobi on Friday. We're still on for the night-train to Mombasa if she makes it.

Oh. Good news: Gul is sitting next to me and has already gotten a glimpse of the madness that is my life here. It's nice to have someone to vent to, even if they're jet-lagged and falling asleep.


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