Friday, February 16, 2007

Pictures [Updated]

After 3 hours at the internet cafe, here is all i could upload out of the 900 we collectively took. That's how much I love you. I had big hopes for this post but... well, i got hungry and tired of waiting. Paige managed to upload a staggering FOUR, so check her blog for more.

Mombasa - the coast almost feels like home, venture out of inland East Africa was disorienting.


Nightly dinner-market, vendors with bloodshot eyes that can grill some mean meat/ fish/ crawling insects.
In the Serengeti - after three days of living out of our jeep. It was the three of us, our guide Moody, Paul (the cook), and Jerry, our America-bashing, beer-chugging, extremely insecure and easily irritable red-headed British travel companion.

(Notice my Mzungu T-shirt, purchased in Tanzania and worn every day since. Except for in Kigali, of course. That would be plain stupid)

5 AM in the Serengeti, while the rest tracked zebras.

Church on the water near Entebbe, Uganda, where the first "White Missionaries" landed.


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