Thursday, April 05, 2007

heated debate in the office, people yelling and others leaving.

La question:

In our reports, do we use the term genocidaires or former genocidaires?

People are getting really, really agitated about this. The bible is being quoted, gory genocide stories are recounted as arguments, stories of redemption and forgiveness as counter-arguments. It's still happening, so I won't go into details. But if you want to throw in your two cents, please do.

This isn't about reconciliation, it's not about politics. Morally, if you have killed once, and have served your time in jail/ apologized/ asked for forgiveness, are you still a killer? What if you haven't, but you have gone 15 years without killing anyone?

JP is arguing that you cease to be a genocidaire once you finish your prison sentence (10-15 years for Category 2 killers). I quote: "If i used to be a mechanic but am now a baker, do you still call me a mechanic?" "why permanently stigmatize somebody when we're trying to reconcile people?" (why permanently kill somebody??)
Here's another question: Do I cease to be a killer the moment I pull my machete out of my victim?..... is this conversation really happening?

Leonille, almost in tears: "It's enough we're letting people whove killed more than once go after only 10 years of prison, we're giving them a chance of reducing their sentences in HALF by doing community service and we're requiring survivors to forgive them. Now, you also want us to absolve them of responsibility and save them from the stigma of being called genocidaire when they're home with their families farming their land while their victims families still mourn?"

I don't think I could live in a country where these debates are happening every day and concern me personally.


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