Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Being in Rwanda and all, thought you might be interested:

5:57 PM  
Blogger Diala said...

Thanks - I never read CNN money. I was just at a movie at the kigali film fest called "Rwanda Rising" - and that was basically the message (although i think they should be trying to move away from depending on crop economy). A lot of it is government propaganda, really. There are consulting groups here that are paid to make the situation look more stable and investment-friendly than it really is. I met an American woman the other day who did just that - she told me: "we basically do our own investigations and write reports that negate the bullshit that organizations like Human Rights Watch print about child labor and all that stuff".

That said, you can't really blame them for trying... it *is* the only way out.

3:14 PM  
Blogger Diala said...

so I guess that means we can't get married?

10:47 AM  

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