Sunday, March 04, 2007

Today I will write something, as per my mother's request.

Let's see.... I've been having strange dreams involving onions. i'm not sure why, but this was the second night in a row onions have made it into my dreams, in some mildly scientific way. For example, I had a revelation about the growth pattern of onions. Curious, but not too troubling, yet.

In other news, things are going slowly. I'm still not sure how much longer i'll be out here, and i start a new internship tomorrow morning with an organization that I really like... They've published a lot of stuff that's been very critical of the way the government has been handling their "reconciliation/ reconstruction" efforts, and, I gather, are getting a lot of shit from the authorities. I'm probably going to do mostly editing and translating work at first, so look forward to much more online time on my end.

Being in Kigali for the past two weeks or so since Paige left has been interesting. I got a lot of reading time in, and my crush on Mahmood Mamdani has only intensified. I've also picked up baking.

Been meeting a lot of people lately - some more exciting than others. This weekend brought two run-ins that may be someone up there warning me as I consider moving back to the Middle East. On friday night, someone clumsily introduced himself to me at the Afro-Carribean Carnaval party, an inch from my face: "Hi! My wife married me because she thought I was Palestinian!" ... (has that worked for him in the past?)

On Saturday, an Egyptian I had coffee with pulled out his laptop to play Madonna's Like a Prayer video clip while the live band was playing only a few meters away - maybe even close enough to read the file names in his "movies" folder: "Brittney Spears takes it up the #ss" and "Saudi Girl Amateur Very"

Now add my new friend - who is now regularly posting comments on this site - to the mix and, although I hate to admit it, I'd say our men are having a major game crisis.

At least in the streets of Kampala, things are much more straightforward:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Diala

Not only, but men period have a major game crisis. Of course with very few exceptions (Keeping my mind open to find one)


6:42 AM  
Blogger alan alon said...

what to do with god gift ,eve is the issue to complete the missing part ,that's why it's midlife crisis.
it sound bothering ,to confess or to admit it.

10:44 AM  

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